TCMW is involved in a number of publication projects either directly or indirectly. These include maintaining two book series' with Lockwood Press, Publications of The Center for the Mediterranean World and Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies.
Publications of The Center for the Mediterranean World (TCMW)
Series Editors: Matthew J. Adams and Margaret E. Cohen
Published by Lockwood Press
Text describing the series
Excavations at Wadi es-Siah, Mount Carmel (1988–1992). The Crusader-Period Carmelite Monastery. In Preparation. E.J. Stern, F. Vitto, J. Stones, M.J. Nestler, and C. Qualls (eds.). Publications of The Center for the Mediterranean World, 1. Columbus, Ga: Lockwood Press.
This volume brings to publication the 1987´1992 excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Carmelite Order at the Medieval birthplace of the Carmelite Order in the Wadi es-Siah, on the western side of Mount Carmel. The publication records the modest beginnings of the Order, which in the medieval period from Wadi es-Siah spread across Europe, and today, in its various branches, has many thousands of members across the world. A significant number of those individuals, both religious and lay, volunteered their time and abilities to form the backbone of the excavation team whose efforts are reported here.
Levantine Ceramics Project Handbooks (LCPH)
Series Editors: Willilam Caraher, Andrea Berlin, and Matthew J. Adams
Published by Lockwood Press
Text describing the series
Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies (JVRPS)
Series Editors: Matthew J. Adams, Margaret E. Cohen, and Yotam Tepper
Published by Lockwood Press
Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies series is to be a venue for the publication of the extensive new primary and synthetic data concerning the Jezreel Valley, including archaeological reports, landscape and environmental studies, and historical analyses.
Salvage Excavations at Tel Qashish (Tell Qasis) and Tell El-Wa'er (2010–2013). 2023. E.C.M. van den Brink and M.J. Adams (eds.). Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies, 1. Columbus, Ga: Lockwood Press.
ISBN: 978-1-948488-65-5.
This volume brings together the final reports of salvage excavations carried out in the vicinity of Tel Qashish in the northern Jezreel Valley, Israel, from 2010 to 2013. These include the Middle and Epipaleolithic flint workshops at Tel Qashish West and Tel Qashish South, the early Early Bronze Age I settlement at Tell el-Wa'er, the late Early Bronze Age I features and the Late Bronze Age II cultic repository at Tel Qashish, as well as some early Roman remains. Twenty-nine chapters by twenty-five authors present the context, stratigraphy, finds, and analyses of these four major aspects of the excavations.
Ein el-Jarba. In Preparation. K. Streit (ed.). Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies. Columbus, Ga: Lockwood Press.
In Preparation